Simone Battle ambae alikua ni mshiriki kwenye shindano la X Factor mwaka 2011 na vilevile mwimbaji kutoka kundi la waimbaji wa kike la G.R.L amekutwa amefariki nyumbani kwake Los Angeles Marekani.
Bado chanzo cha kifo chake hakijasemwa lakini uchunguzi unaendelea zaidi kujua ni nini kilitokea na wala hakuna taarifa za ziada zilizotolewa zaidi ya hii ya kusema amekutwa amefariki nyumbani kwake.
MISSY TEMEKE Missy Temeke is one of the Prominent African fashion designers, recognized for her artistic and technical skills and for creating simple, comfortable women’s wear. Born and raised in the Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, Missy Temeke'spassion for fashion began in her teens when she worked as a Model, beauty pageant and beautician for the clouds company while attending school. Missy Temeke began her......CLICK THE PICTURE TO CONTINUE READING
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