Inatia faraja kuona n kiasi gani wanamziki wetu sasa ,wamekuwa na muamko wa kufanya aina ya mziki utakaowatangaza kimataifa,ninayo furaha kukutarifu kuwa,mwanadada Linah nae amefanya video ambayo kwa namna moja ama nyinginme itampeleka hatua nyingin kimataifa,amefanya vieo ya wimbo wake wa Ole themba nchini Afrika kusin chini ya director w Godfather aliyetengeneza mdogomdogo.angalia teaser
MISSY TEMEKE Missy Temeke is one of the Prominent African fashion designers, recognized for her artistic and technical skills and for creating simple, comfortable women’s wear. Born and raised in the Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, Missy Temeke'spassion for fashion began in her teens when she worked as a Model, beauty pageant and beautician for the clouds company while attending school. Missy Temeke began her......CLICK THE PICTURE TO CONTINUE READING
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