Team XXL ya Clouds Fm July 22 amezaliwa Hamis Mandi aka B12 au B Bozen
ambapo Jumanne ameamua kusherehekea siku yake huu muhimu kwa kufuturu na
watoto yatima.
Hii ni mara ya nne mastar wa Tanzania kufuturisha alianza
Diamond,akafata Shilole kisha ikafuata futuru iliyoandaliwa na THT kisha
Dr Cheni kwenye kusherehekea Birthday yake na sasa ni B12.
Hizi ni baadhi ya picha za shughuli ilivyokuwa.
Soudy brown akilishwa keki na B Dozen.
Shilole akiwa kambeba mmoja kati ya watoto Yatima hao.
MISSY TEMEKE Missy Temeke is one of the Prominent African fashion designers, recognized for her artistic and technical skills and for creating simple, comfortable women’s wear. Born and raised in the Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, Missy Temeke'spassion for fashion began in her teens when she worked as a Model, beauty pageant and beautician for the clouds company while attending school. Missy Temeke began her......CLICK THE PICTURE TO CONTINUE READING
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